Tuesday, June 1

Texture Test for Blake

I did this texture test to see if I could get some of those crazy grainy watercolor textures. Seems like it works. The secret is to have a very open brush that you can mess with.

These are two of the images I made into brushes:

If you save these images you can open them in Photoshop and "define brush presets" from them.
Click here for a short video on how to load and use these brushes
I also did a little bit of reticulation/spatter/blur for texture in flat all-over areas.
Click here for a short video on how to do the over-all grainy reticulation based texture.

1 comment:

  1. Wow these look nice...though I can't figure out how to use them correctly. It seems I spend my time doing a thousand brush stokes, or they are too soft to be gristly... sigh.
